Wednesday, October 12, 2011

When you're pregnant

Common things yang terjadi pada pregnancy women...
There are much to celebrate kan..;)
  • Morning Sickness
Ape tu? ;) seriously, aku takde merasa sangat 'morning sickness' ni. Normally pregnancy women tend to have it all the time..bukan waktu pagi je kan...mabuk..loya..pening kepala..sampai ade yang 'melepek'..Tapi aku memang rilek je dari hari pertama aku detect aku mengandung sampailah ke hari ni..cuma pada trimester pertama tu..rasa mual bila gosok gigi je...
  • Mood Swing
This one memang betul..You can go from feeling happy to feel like crying after that...and you may be irrationally being angry to your husband.. salah sikit pun nak marah..Emosi mudah terganggu by everything..even dengan benda-benda kecil..yup..Aku pernah menangis then merajuk sebab my husband makan sikit je...Serious pelik kan? Blame on your hormone fluctuation mothers! :p

  • Changes on eating habits
Being pregnant make you fell hungry all the time..on my first trimester..i have to eat something every two hours..maybe sebab takde morning sickness..selera besar..normally, mothers tend to lose some weight on their first trimester, unlike me, i've gained weight (+ extra) like a kg per week..then masuk trimester ke-dua..nafsu makan kurang sikit..maybe bcoz fasting month haritu dah trained myself untuk kawal nafsu makan...hihi..
  • New bra please !
One of the signs of your pregnancy is when your breast enlarge.. become swollen and tender..soft too! Get a new bra is a must...hahahah..
  • Skin 
Jerawat, stretch mark, rashes and other skin problems memang common terjadi pada pregnancy women.. On my first trimester, jerawat banyak tumbuh di kawasan dagu dan pipi..tapi tak teruk..Masuk 2nd trimester terus hilang..Stretch mark pulak aku noticed on my 24 weeks (kandungan 6 bulan)..itu pon sikit je..:) but the most obvious pregnancy line tu ..I do noticed a dark line yang appear on lower abdomen called linea nigra..sebelum pregnant warna brownish dan sampai pusat je..dan bila pregnant, the line become darker dan memanjang sampai ke atas mum said, kalau pregnancy women ade garisan tu melebihi pusat..they tend to have many children...huhu
google image
  • Hair
owh..i can't describe how i love my hair right now..they glowing ...fall out less...memang best!!
  • Back pain
felt on my lower body.. seriously memang tak best bila sakit belakang..

Notice tak every points semakin lame makin pendek..?ok..sebab aku dah malas nak mengarang...hehehe...
Ape yang aku list above..memang perkara biasa yang berlaku kat pregnancy women..cuma bezanya ada yang tak teruk ada yang tak..or even ade yang tak merasa pon...banyak lagi kot yang boleh cerita..about constipation, spider vein, cramp and others.. tapi yang lain2 tu tak terjadi kat aku malas nak mengarang..

Till next time peeps..!

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